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Southwest Kendo & Iaido Federation
Regional Member of the All United States Kendo Federation
Kendo - The art of Japanese Fencing. "Ken" or tsurugi is from the character meaning sword. The character for "Do" or michi includes the meaning way or path which translates as "The way of the sword".
A path in life which is followed through the training of Kendo.
Yamakage Dojo
Practice Location and Hours
Lead Instructor: James Maestas
2 Dan Kendo
Boulder YMCA
2850 Mapleton Ave.
Boulder, Colorado
Arapahoe Center YMCA
2800 Dagny Way
Lafayette, Colorado
Ed & Ruth Lehman YMCA
950 Lashley Street
Longmont, Colorado
Kendo is fixed schedule,
Thursday nights
7:15 To 9:15
Boulder, Colorado
2850 Mapleton Ave.
Our Jodo and Iaido classes are not on a fixed schedule.
They are on a flexible schedule and location depending on space availability.
Please contact for Jodo and Iaido updated schedule details.
Contact Email: James Maestas - Email Us
Please join our group on Facebook
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